“Crescimento! Esta palavra define o que aconteceu comigo durante o processo de supervisão com a Eva. Para que eu me torne a cada dia uma Coach mais completa, fazer supervisão fez toda a diferença. Foi descobrir o que acontecia comigo a cada reunião, foi sobre entender como eu posso estar mais preparada a serviço do meu cliente.
A Eva tem um conhecimento profundo e sólido e com uma postura objetiva e empática, fez com que eu ampliasse a minha consciência para meus pontos de atenção, que muitas vezes foram dilemas.
Fortaleci a Geórgia como Coach, aprendi a ser mais generosa comigo, aprofundei meu olhar e isso gerou crescimento em meus atendimentos.
Encontrei em nosso trabalho um ambiente seguro, de crescimento e coragem em compartilhar. Foi uma parceria real!
Supervisão é para ser feita em qualquer momento da carreira de um Coach, e eu escolhi trilhar este caminho muito bem acompanhada!!!! Reconheço e Recomendo a Eva!!!”
Geórgia Villas Bôas“I knew I wanted to work with Eva as my supervisor from the moment I met her in training. Eva sparkled to me with her calm aura, her deep well of corporate and field experience, and her inspiring personal story – a multicultural life and a degree in psychology as a second career. Eva is a powerfully efficient supervisor – with one unlocking move or one image, she broke me open to a rush of insights. Through our sessions I improved the restorative and resourcing aspects of my practice – a blindspot – which has improved my use of self with my clients. Eva also helped me reframe and shift from thinking about the annoying aspects of my individual or group coaching, to consider the gifts that I bring and how I can put them out there in the field with my clients, without pushing or pulling, and stay in that observant (versus judging) space. As a consequence, I feel even more congruent with my practice and how it is shaped, and more connected with who I want to be, not just what I want to do, as a coach and supervisor. Thank you Eva for showing me a new part of the path!”
Masa Gong“Supervisar mis conversaciones como coach con Eva fueron un viaje de autodescubrimiento, hacia la conquista de mi libertad como ser humano, la posibilidad de recuperar mi humildad al acompañar y el abrazar mi humanidad, cuando lo que le pasa a mis clientes de alguna manera también me incluye. Eva es impecable en su ser, no solo en su saber, sino también en su habilidad de mirar con profundidad, acompañar con respeto y encontrar las preguntas y palabras justas para permitirme ir más profundo en la exploración de quién quiero ser, para servir con mayor eficacia y al mismo tiempo vivir en mi propio bienestar. “
Gracias Eva! Te admiro y sin dudas eres un ejemplo a seguir como profesional y más aún como persona.
Marco Leone“I first met Eva when I saw her on a webinar taking about coaching supervision. Her direct approach along with her passion for coaching supervision was very evident during this call. Becoming a coach supervisor was also part of my purpose and so when I signed up for supervision certification I knew I wanted Eva to partner with me. My intuition served me well. Eva provided not just a safe space for deep reflection but also a courageous, challenging place do this important work. Thank you, Eva”.
Marie QuigleyI was delighted to work with Eva in coaching supervision. I always took away valuable learning from our sessions to inform my coaching. Eva was able to help me go a bit deeper and find the underlying nugget or insight I was looking for. Eva was a careful listener and my time with her was hugely beneficial. I am grateful to have done this work with Eva!
Sheri Boone, MCCBusquei a supervisão com a Eva em 2012, como apoio e complementação ao meu aprendizado e desenvolvimento como coach executiva e de carreira. Durante os vários anos de supervisão, os benefícios para a minha prática como coach foram inúmeros, entre os quais destaco: o aumento da autoconfiança através do acesso aos meus recursos internos para lidar com as situações a serem coacheadas; a ampliação do autoconhecimento oportunizado pelos questionamentos e pelos feeedbacks sempre
assertivos e cuidadosos conectados com as situações trazidas para a supervisão; o desenvolvimento de um olhar sistêmico e generoso sobre o meu aprendizado como coach.
Como supervisora, Eva foi a melhor que eu poderia ter tido, emprestando um olhar qualificado e generoso, ampliando minhas percepções e entendimentos, sem deixar de pontuar minhas sombras. Acolheu meus equívocos e reconheceu minhas evoluções. Sua abordagem foi respeitosa e humanizada. Posso dizer que me tornei uma coach melhor a partir de sua maestria ao conduzir a supervisão.
Every coach should consider supervision and Eva is the best professional in Brazil for that. Given the quality of her work, we can quickly get results in our coaching practice.
In my case, all the sessions were of great relevance to my development as a coach. She has a great ability to connect with and to establish a safe environment in a way we feel confident to see new perspectives, try different approaches and to grow from there.
I hope we can have more supervisors in Brazil, such as Eva, so we can improve our coaching practice here.
My supervision experience was more than a perfunctory part of my coaching supervision training program. With Eva as my supervisor, I learned how to reflect more deeply about my clients and my experiences with them as a coach. Through Eva’s supervision sessions, I reflected on my emotions as a coach, my emotional connections – and disconnects – with clients.
We had conversations of shared experiences, which helped me to learn that “I’m not alone,” in my dilemmas or challenges as a coach. I shifted fears and assumptions about myself as a coach, and the benefit was not only to my current clients, but those shifts sustained through my future clients. Supervision with Eva made me a better coach, for good.
Eva watched me, noticed me, listened to me, and sensed my emotions during our sessions. She called out what she sensed, and that helped me reflect. She brought analogies, metaphors, and real-world examples that helped me hardwire the learning.